Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 30

Today is the 23rd day of taking a full dose of my medication.

The other day, my son asked my wife, "Does daddy have Park Slope?" I guess that I will have to be more careful of talking in front of him. What would Park Slope Disease entail? OK, just for the hell of it, here are the symptoms.

Suffering from the delusion that:

You are the most important person in the world
You are the only person that ever had a child
Your dog is a child
Your dog is special and leash laws do not apply to her
You really need multiple SUVs in "No Park Slope"
Pedestrians do not have the right of way in a cross walk

I just spent 6 days in Treadwell NY. I had fun with my wife, son, brother and sister in-law and my two nieces.  We swam in a pond, ate good meals and relaxed. It was very a very calming break, but I was home for a few minutes and the anxiety was back. While I have some reasons to be anxious, the severity of it is simply a symptom, so I am labeling it "not real" and turning on the TV.

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